Beecroft Out Of School Hours

Children’s Interest Clubs

When the educators at The BOOSH Centre identify a keen interest in a group of children they will try to accommodate this or even create a club for those children, if there is an ongoing demand. Anyone is welcome to join and the days that the club meets can be altered to suit the current attendees.

Our current clubs are:

  • Gardening Club
  • Chess Club
  • Art Club
  • Origami Club
  • Lego Club
  • Knitting Club …coming soon ..

The BRC – BOOSH Representative Committee meets at regular intervals and consists of either children selected by their peers or an open invitation to all children attending The BOOSH Centre on that day. At the BRC meetings, children are given the opportunity to have their say in the running of the centre

Contact us:

Phone: (02) 9980 8224